Thursday, December 05, 2002

Scooby Doo

I am slowly getting into DVD movies. They usually have so much extra stuff that you are obliged to use a PC to view them. Last year my girlfriend was wonderful enough to buy me Shrek for Christmas. If you haven't seen it, you should rush out now and watch n on your best PC screen. The animation quality is nothing short of stunning. And the Xtras on the disc are sooper qool too.

I just bought Scooby Doo - hence the title of this entry. All I need now is the time to watch it :-(

On a work note. Has anybody tried Macromedia's Contribute yet? Impressed?

There is also an update for Dreamweaver MX, taking it up to Dreamweaver MX 6.1, or Dreamweaver 6.1? Whatever. It includes an update to DW so it too can work like Contribute, plus some bug fixes.

At last, a book on standards-compliant training

I broke the first page I tried to post with this information. I cannot see how to fix it, hence two titles :-(

Carol Fallon and Sharon Brown of Integrity eLearning have written a book called E-Learning Standards: A Guide to Purchasing, Developing, and Deploying Standards-Conformant E-Learning

If you need a guide you through standards compliance - AICC, SCORM etc - then here is your new favourite book.

At last, a book on standards-compliant training

Apurva is putting together some tutorials to show us how to build our own u32s in C. I understand Chris Swenson of Dazzletech and MojoMole fame is going to help with this project by adding information for Delphi programmers. Go to Aurva's site and select the U32 tutorials link.
Sorry, due to the format of the site, I have not managed to get a direct link.